Quickies is a 3-in-1 application providing to-do lists, notes, and reminders. The beauty of Quickies is the absence of too many bells and whistles, allowing you to quickly "get in" and "get out".
Quick to-dos allows you to make simple to-do lists. Just create and name your list and add in your to-dos. The no frills design of Quickies allows you to edit lists and check off items with ease.
Need to write something down on the fly? Create a Quick Note with a simple title and a brief description that you can access anytime.
Using the iPhone calendar for reminders can be time consuming to create. With Quick Reminder, you get a simple interface to create reminders quickly and easily.
To-do Lists
- Create and manage to-do lists (add titles and notes)
- See to-do list titles with how many items are unchecked
- Add to-do items and check them off as completed
- App badging based on the number of unchecked items
- Reorder lists and to-do items
- Move a to-do item from one list to another
- Email all your to-do list or just a specific list
- Create and manage notes (add titles and notes)
- Reorder notes
- Email notes
- Create and manage reminders (add titles, notes, and due dates)
- Specify the frequency of a reminder (never, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly)
- Dismiss or Snooze a reminder when they occur
- App badging based on the number of missed reminders
- Email reminders list